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Loving Kindness Christian Meditation

by Rev. Frances Rathbun of Bethany UMC in Wichita, KS

This meditation can be as long or short as you want it to be and it offers love, peace, and healing. As with most meditations, it calls for the meditator to calm the mind and sit or stand peacefully. The words are:

May I be happy.
May I be safe.
May I touch God's face in my pain and suffering.
May I know how much I am loved

Then you can add to it by substituting others for ones self (I). You don't have to speak the persons name, just take a moment to think about the person(s) before speaking the words.

May (you, mom, dad, Jane, boss, co-workers, etc.) be happy.
May you be safe.
May you touch God's face in your pain and suffering.
May you know how much you are loved.

It is very simple and easy to remember and it works just as easy with children as is does with adults.


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