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The Contributions of Paramahansa Yogananda

Meditating has always been very effective in calming and soothing one’s mind and body. There are many forms of exercise today that involve meditation. People who participate in Yoga often end their sessions with short meditations. The most basic instructions include freeing one’s mind from all his worries and anxieties at some point. There are those who use the techniques of breathing as well as the different sitting positions. And there are those that refer to teachings of particular personalities in the past.

On the 5th of January, 1893, Mukunda Lal Ghosh was born in Gorakhpu, India. As he grew up, he was already noticeable as a person with deep spiritual thinking. As a kid, he was even more interested in seeking the sages and saints of India. As it turns out, he wanted to have someone to guide and teach him in his spiritual conquests. When he was seventeen, he met Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri and became a disciple who received spiritual discipline from the strict yet loving Yoga master. He then became a monk in the Swami Order after graduating from the Calcutta University. At this point, Yogananda as a name was bestowed upon him. The words “Yoga” and “Ananda,” mean “through divine union” and “bliss,” respectively. From then on, he had the constant desire to dedicate his life to loving and serving God. 

Yogananda’s life and teachings have inspired the Kriya Yoga, which is the union of an individual and the Infinite the results from a rite or action. The practice of Kriya Yoga spread from one disciple to another and it is now used until the present day although it must be taught by an authorized Kribayan from the Self-Realization Fellowship. Yogananda founded the fellowship so that he can make people more aware of the teachings. Kriya Yoga also follows the thought, “to learn to meditate will open your own creative mind and reduce negative thinking.”

Right now, there are many people who admire Yogananda for the way he lived. As he entered mahasamadhi, a phenomenon also surrounded him as his body showed no signs of physical disintegration even after twenty days since his death. It was said that his body was in a state of immutability. People who try to have the kind of spirit that he had participate in Kriya Yoga today.

The goal of Kriya Yoga is the achievement of oneness with God. This involves God realization and God union. Basically, it is like being happy in life and being one with God by learning lessons on relationships, family, politics, business, and other social and recreational aspects of life.

The activity involves energization exercises, which are psychophysicalmovements developed by Yogananda so that the body can prepare for Kriya Yoga. These are then followed by the Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration which can help the participant focus on his goals instead of getting distracted by external factors. A series of concentration methods, Aum Technique of Meditation, follows to aid in the development of one’s divine qualities. Finally, the Kriya Yoga Technique culminates the activity.


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