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Meditation with Hope
Finding inner-peace is your own unique journey in life. There are many beautiful and different ways of reaching the tranquility and harmony you seek for yourself. These are truly the times of enlightenment. We have the wealth of knowledge from the thousands of years before us. The wisdom of the ages can be found through our many different forms of communication. All we need to do is seek and we will find what we are looking for. When I was a young teenager, many moons ago, I heard a song on the radio and was so inspired by it, that even today I use it as a guideline to walk my path of love, truth and inner-harmony. I searched the libraries and finally found a copy of this song, which turned out to be a poem of some controversy. “DESIDERATA” This inspiring piece of poetry has had a following since the early 1900s and no one is really sure who wrote it. The common myth is that it was found in the Baltimore Church in a monk hole, around 1692. Some believe it was written in 1920s or as early as 1906. A lawyer by the name of Max Ehrmann [1872-1945] put a copy-write on this exceptional poem in 1927. The important thing is the words, as it has lasted through time and is just as relevant today as it was to the writer who put pen to paper, and created this Divinely inspired work of creation. I developed a meditation around this poem to assist me in making sense of my life, to understand who I am, where I am going. It is a simple method using the verses of "DESIDERATA" and looking at each quote and how it applies to me at this moment in time. “Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence”.What is silence? In the home the television, the radio, is often on. The children are playing. Outside, the dog[s] is barking, someone is mowing the lawn, there is banging of some sort going on, the traffic is flowing whether close or at a distance. “As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons”It is important to keep your belief structure in tact. We are all different and it is so easy to cause conflict with another. All we have do is look around us. Tolerance is such a special gift. We see conflicts all around us, through wars, government, religious and racial intolerance. We are all individuals and when we accept this fact, we may discover underneath the turmoil's and conflicts we are all basically the same. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story."Truth is fact without illusion. We all have our own conceptions and environmental
structures and may see truth differently from others. Everyone has their
own story, and at times we may differ in the way we see life yet, if we
are tolerant to others belief and listen to what they say. You discover
what they are really saying about themselves and life. To speak your truth
is to walk your talk. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.We all have different vibrations. There are people who choose to live
their lives in turmoil and trauma and may not realize that aggression
can have harmful effect on others. My heart goes out to people who feel
the need to be aggressive or loud. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.This verse puts my life back into purpose, I am who I am. I strive to be the best that I can. At times I do get bitter about someone who seems to get the breaks that I seek. I realize, all I can do is follow my path and be grateful I am achieving what I need for myself. Enjoy yours achievements as well as your plans”.As a writer the thing I enjoy most is starting an article or book. The plans, the different stages I go through to achieve my aim. When it is finished a sense of peace comes over me that I have achieved what I set out to do. I feel no sense of loss at its completion, but ask myself "what is next". Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time”.My passion in life is to create, to write and be best Psychic
that I can be. It can be difficult to achieve the highest form of accolades,
for there is a lot of competition out there. But I don't write to achieve
those accolades, I write because, it is within me and I need to share
my inner-soul in the hope it assist others. It is my career choice. I
am doing what I love to do and would not change it for anything in the
world. I also realize that I am living in the real world, I also need
to survive materially, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually, to keep
my balance. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.It is good to be aware of your own worth and not "sell out"
your integrity. There are people who try to advantage of your gifts and
talents. In the creative fields in which I work. People at times want
to exploit your talents, to earn a quick buck and forget about you, and
that you need to live and support yourself. Then they go on to the next
person who they can take advantage of. But let it not blind you to what virtue there is; many a persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroismThere are wonderful, beautiful people on this great planet of ours. They "make a difference". They assist in creating a better world. Be yourselfI am me, I love being me. “Especially do not feign affection”.It is a good thing to have affection in your life. I remember a story
I read about the Second War. There was a place where babies were left
orphaned by the war, and at this particular place the people where concerned
that the children where not surviving as well as they should. They were
being fed and clothed, but still generally unhappy. What they discovered
was the babies we not given enough affection. They rectified this by showing
more love and affection to each child and the children started to thrive. “Neither be cynical about love; for on the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass”.Relationships can be difficult in this stressful, restless world, and we learn as we go. Once you work out that at times relationships, don't work out the way we hope. We grow and learn. “Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth”.We need to listen to our elders, for they have the wisdom and knowledge of their years. It is also a good thing to know that our generations learn from the generations that came before them, and that our youth is seen in the eyes of our children. “Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune, But do not distress yourself with imaginings, many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness”.My fears do grab hold of me sometimes, and my imagination does run away with me. I am human and learn as I go. “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself”.Sometimes I go too deep when I am searching for answers in my life. I am perhaps a little too hard on myself at times, and forget the joys of just living and appreciating my existence. “For you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees or stars; you have a right to be here”.We are all here for a reason, even though at times it may not be clear, what that purpose is. “And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should”.The Bigger picture for me is that I live and will all die, and the endless universe will keep going, whether I am here or not. “Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be”.I feel at peace with my creator. “And whatever your labour and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul”.My soul has found peace. “With all its shams, drudgery and broken dreams;